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Hedgehog Mix Seedball Tin

Hedgehog Mix Seedball Tin


Each Hedghog Mix Seedball Tin contains 20 seed balls, enough to cover 1 square metre in a garden bed or 3-5 medium sized pots. Each seed ball contains approximately 30 seeds from a mix of Yellow Rattle, Wild Carrot, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Tufted Vetch, Self Heal and Poppy. Best scattered in Spring or Autumn.


We’ve teamed up with People’s Trust for Endangered Species to bring you a new addition to the Seedball range: Hedgehog Mix! The UK’s hedgehog population is struggling, with numbers down by 50% since the turn of the century, but we can all do something to help by growing British wildflowers! A wildflower patch is a super addition to creating a hedgehog friendly garden, not only in providing shelter but importantly to attract a whole range of tasty insects for hedgehogs to feed on. Yum!


Proceeds from the sale of every tin go directly to supporting PTES in their conservation work. Please do visit for more info.

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